Hear a wonderful message of hope,
and of the healing power of gratitude.
The message:
The folks at this website are very grateful for you, dear friends, near and far. We are grateful that you visit, that you share reviews, thoughts and observations, and that you share the site with others. We are very grateful for the efforts you make to uplift others in prayer, in ministry, in service, in charity, and in helping in so many ways that are unique to each of you.
We are grateful that we share the priviledge of worshiping God as we each choose. We are grateful for faith, for hope, for love. We are grateful also for the many beauties of the Earth. We are grateful for sunshiney days, rainy days, and each new day. We are grateful that God is good, and we can trust Him.
We are grateful that so many people are sharing their gratitude with others. #GiveThanks
How to Feel the Healing Power of Gratitude